100% agreed here. And sister to three bothers, mom to three grown sons, and I see this in the world all around me. I live in the downtown eastside of Vancouver, and most of the homeless people are men... which says something, too.
The resources for men are slim (here, for instance, I'm even thinking of artist's grants...which will be awarded to other applicants before men.) Jobs and gigs at this point won't go to men--not at first, anyway. This pushes men to have to be even tougher/"stronger"/"better." It's exhausting.
Until there's real and thoughtful equality/equity for EVERYONE, we're all a bit lost. We need to lose the attitude that today's young men have to pay the price for the historical assholes of the world.
Oh my. I could go on and on with this, but need to stop! Once again, I am pleased to see you continue to write, think, and share about this! Please continue! Strength to you! I'll share a link to a story I wrote (in the spirit of Discussion!) as I think it is related!! (Delete if you want! this is not for promo'ing my stuff!!) https://medium.com/equality-includes-you/more-revolutionary-than-a-woman-being-ceo-of-every-company-on-the-planet-b222e3135e65