Beth, my heart goes out to you. I left teaching last spring--I could no longer do it. I've also seen my son go through the other side of it... and know that many school counselors are not the best. He had to find another, and pay out of pocket. "Help" is not necessarily help.
The world is pretty messed up at this point--worsened over the last 15 years or so, and now at a point of madness. I think dropping out of the crazy-making and moving into some area where you can be strengthened is best.
I was not prepared for the healing that took place in me AFTER leaving, though. It is still in progress, and reveals itself in ways that surprise. I've ended up wishing I took "disability" from the institution--I certainly could have. But I wanted no connection with the place. Which in the end, is the best choice for me. Ah, I could go on... but there is work to do!
I sincerely wish you the best. You have made the right decision. Strength and peace to you!