Hi Kimanzi--I appreciate this thought. I have sold a number of articles now to The Writer Magazine. I thoroughly enjoy writing for them. I took a look at Inc. Mag--thanks for the tip.
But it's writing and teaching writing that I am interested in. Most of my day is spent working on fiction projects.
I've spent decades of my life not doing the type of work I want to, and I'm at a point--post-child-raising, post academic teaching, post mentoring hundreds of writing students--of wanting to do what I want to do. I'm not a business person at heart. So can't really write for business journals.
BUT I do get your point. Certainly there is little money from this platform :)
Ultimately, I'm hoping to build a real writing community around my Unschool for Writers substack newsletter, and that it can be something that sustains my other writing. I've gotten to a point at which I need to focus and give only to who and where and what I want to give. Post caregiving, post widowhood, I find my energy is finite, so I need to pick and choose.
Each writer is on a different path. Always good to know ALL the options, and choose. Thank you for reminding me, and other readers, of such options!