I'm at the point where I question any arts programs being within that setting--we need to return to mentorship/s, and learning within traditions and stretching outside. The program I taught within reduced all workshops to 3 credits--NOT long enough to learn anything. When the courses were year long 6 credit, students wrote entire novels. True, we were all exhausted at the close of the year... but what a year! Many were published, many won solid awards--there was a true feeling of accomplishment. Now, the students are lucky to rewrite an opening chapter in such a course. No one cares about the writing. But in the real world, the world of readers, no one cares about the piece of paper/degree. And that is as should be. It's only what's on the page that is meaningful.
Programs used to hire based on publication record. True, not everyone can teach! But a combination of proven publishing and capacity to share "How" should be recognized... instead of a PhD. I rant on... sorry :)