Just reading through comments... and wondering why all the hair-splitting... what defines this and that, and who wrote what. While I DO find it fascinating to know things, to research, to poke around, I also think that when it comes to faith, sometimes it's best to spend a bit of time focused on what's important, and to try to achieve balance between that and studies... so the NT's words to love God with all mind heart soul, and to love neighbour as much as self--we have only our lifetime here to try to achieve that, and the second is the most challenging. As Tyndale said, Better to know God than to know about God. Hair-splitting can fall into the "know about."
Thank you for this envisioning of a letter that might have been... and some thought that is sorely needed now. I walked away from the church for DECADES (into my early 50s) filled with disgust. I still struggle to call myself a Christian because of the world around. Daily Bible time helps. Thoughtfulness helps.
Thank you.