Ryan, yes, that’s what I’ve wrestled with. But at this point, the reason I’m able to walk away from an academic job I hate is because of this point I’m at with my home— it has become a piece of security. I could NOT afford rent at this point. I would not even be able to do the amazing traveling you have. I would be stuck in my job, or I would find some very small town somewhere (where??) and work in a coffee shop.
Of course, I could be, and would be, inventive. But at this point in time, having substantially down-sized and paid off the thing, is freeing.
I have rid myself of the “it’s never enough” piece. There is so much more to life than acquiring $$. And the not-knowing-what-will-come… well, the last time I was asked in a job interview, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years??” I burst out laughing and asked, “You’re kidding right?? That can’t be a serious question!” (I did not get the job :) But that’s quite okay.