Stick to your gut!! Align with your students' needs--as you are! Avoid meetings!
I was tossed out a BEd program twice over, because I was old and didn't seem to align with the systemic values. ("Values" use loosely here...)
In the Education world it's a rare person who veers off track--they don't want people who go to unmarked places.
When I did my practica, I would work to connect with the students' eyeballs, and see what was working for them. And they with me, bless them! One day, second practicum, I did something I was told to do by my sponsor teacher, and a 9 year old looked at ME, and whispered, "That's not you!" I wanted to hug him, and I could feel tears coming. He was so right and wise!! I had no business thinking I could teach him!
You're there for the learners and you are--obviously--honouring them and their needs. Onward!!!
Glad you, and the few like you, are in the world!