Coffee Times CC6 challenge

The Unschool for Writers

A Substack newsletter — meeting writers’ needs & creating community

Alison Acheson
3 min readMay 25, 2022


photo: linkedinsalesnavigator on Unsplash

I so like this photo: the act of walking out of a place, ready to explore outside, with a hopeful, confident, and calm expression.

When I left my academic position last year, it felt a bit like that, hand on the door, and pushing out. Of course, it was all virtual — as was everything a year ago. But it felt real to walk out of an MFA program, and into the world of working and exploring writers.

I forged out and put together The Unschool for Writers, my newsletter venture in which I share decades of teaching and writing. I recently wrote about my newsletter in a piece for The Coffee Times.

The past twelve months have brought a slow and steady stream of subscribers, both free and paid. I post consistently. I work and have fun. And when subscribers write me notes about how The Unschool is working for them, I so appreciate it. I hold their words up to the bar of what I set out to do…



Alison Acheson

Dance Me to the End: Ten Months and Ten Days With ALS--caregiving memoir. My pubs here: LIVES WELL LIVED, UNSCHOOL FOR WRITERS, and editor for WRITE & REVIEW.