This is a good question! Probably worthy of another article… As is the one following. “Holes of production” are a reality… to run from.
My Medium posts have gone from 2 dozen to 5 or 6. I’ve scaled back, as the $$ here are minimal.
At this point, as I build my subscribers (paid) I spend about half my time — it is substantial! And make certain I have time left to work on my novels, promoting my memoir, and “my” writing. I own my own home (somehow — take a read here :)
But live in a very $$ city — the highest in Canada.
I need for the $500 to be more like double that by the summer time. Can I do it? I continue to post the best material I can, and to connect with the subscribers.
Seriously, I’ll have to write more about this — keep an eye out for it!
I do think you want to focus on what YOU have to offer. Take a look through a number of the newsletters on Substack.
Wishing you the best on whatever you choose to do!